Paddle USP Apparatus-2

Apparatus 2, commonly known as the paddle method, has similar physical specification to those of Apparatus 1 with a paddle substituted for the rotating basket. Some of the dimensions and tolerances for the paddle are critical if consistent results are to be obtained from vessel to vessel. The USP specifis that the paddle must rotate smoothly without significant wobble. The arc of the paddle blade creates considerable flow and any wobble will have an exaggerated affect on the flow profile. The contours of the paddle blade must not include any sharp edgesat the tips for instance that could produce turbulent instead of laminar flow patters. The USP constrains wobble and vertical alignment with the axis of the vessel to within +- 2.0mm.

Useful for




Dlayed Release / Enteric Coated Dosage Forms.


Easy to use.


Can be easily adapted to Apparatus 5.

Long Experienced.

pH change possible.

Can be easily automated which is important for routine investigations.

Standard Volume

900/1000 ml.

1,2,4 litre vessels.